Gift Giving

Will You Leave a LEGACY ?

Thank you for your interest in the important mission of Wiley H. Bates Legacy Center. Every gift is important to us and shows that you share our vision. If Wiley H. Bates Legacy Center is one of your most important charitable causes, you can make it part of your legacy. When you remember Wiley H. Bates Legacy Center in your will, you leave a lasting legacy to your values as you help continue our work far into the future.

Why Should You Include a Charitable Gift in Your Will?

  1. It’s simple to do. It can be as easy as including language stating, “I give ten percent of the net value of my estate to Wiley H. Bates Legacy Center.”
  2. You can change your mind. We won’t receive the gift until after your death. During your lifetime, you can amend anything you choose, i.e., beneficiaries, amounts, etc.
  3. Tax-wise, it could be beneficial. Gifts to qualified charitable organizations reduce the value of your estate for estate tax purposes.

How you include a gift in your will or revocable trust depends on what you want to accomplish, and what you want to give to Wiley H. Bates Legacy Center.

Here are some options:

  1. Give a percentage of your estate — e.g., “I give 25% of the net value of my estate as finally determined for federal estate tax purposes to Wiley H. Bates Legacy Center.”
  2. Give a percentage of the residue of your estate — the amount left after specific bequests have been given to individuals and organizations; e.g., “I give 25% of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate to Wiley H. Bates Legacy Center.”
  3. Give a specific dollar amount or item of property; e.g., “I give Wiley H. Bates Legacy Center $25,000” or “I give Wiley H. Bates Legacy Center 100 shares of IBM stock.”

 Things to consider:

  1. Make the gift unrestricted — it will be used for the top priority need identified by the leadership of Wiley H. Bates Legacy Center.
  2. Make the gift restricted, i.e., to support a specific area of interest such as research, public programs, or education.
  3. Set up a named fund, e.g., the Family Fund for Research.
  4. Memorialize or honor a loved one: “This gift is made in memory of my loving husband, a friend of Wiley H. Bates Legacy Center.”

The legal name of Wiley H. Bates Legacy Center is: Wiley H. Bates Legacy Center (Tax ID# 61- 1471512), a 501(c) (3) tax exempt organization located in Annapolis, MD.

If you are interested in more information about a gift through your will, please contact us.

It’s an easy way to support Wiley H. Bates Legacy Center, and we’d be grateful for your gift. Bequests of every size build our future financial strength.

Legal Document Change Request Example

Wiley H. Bates Living Trust Example

Wiley H. Bates Legacy Center Donation Form


Please have your will or codicil drafted by an attorney who is familiar with the estate laws of the state where you live. We are not engaged in legal or tax advisory service. The purpose of this website is to provide general gift, estate, and financial planning information. Watch for tax revisions. State laws govern wills, trusts, and charitable gifts made in a contractual agreement. Advice from legal counsel should be sought when considering these types of gifts.